Sunday, September 22, 2013

From Phillip

I found a short analysis of the play, particularly focusing on Duke Orsino. Specifically, it talks about how the speech “If musicke be the food of love” is not only a perfect introduction to the character of Orsino, but how the speech uses fluctuations of mood in the same way that the rest of the play uses throughout. While the play is a comedy, there are elements of the story – such as the ruse the rest of the cast performs on Malvoleo – that digress from the light, romantic story, and show something deeper. The analysis points out that, though Orsino is an incredibly passionate individual, he is the only character that is not particularly active in reaching for his goal. Now, given the brevity of some of the relationships in the play before they become love or marriage, I see the play less as a story about passionate lovers, and view it as a group of incredibly desperate individuals. The quickness with which Orsino falls in love with Olivia, Olivia falls for Cesario, and Viola falls for Orsino, speaks less about the strength of their bonds than it does their concern for having someone.
Here is the analysis if any of you would like to look at it. It’s not very long, but I found it interesting.

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