Friday, November 1, 2013

from Francesca

I saw the Actors’ Shakespeare Project’s production of Romeo and Juliet last night at the Strand Theatre. It was by far the best Shakespeare show I have ever seen. For the first time, I really understood every single line that was spoken, making the story extremely powerful and understandable. Every single actor had a strong grasp of exactly what he or she was saying, allowing him or her to deliver the lines with complete clarity. There was a modern twist put on the show, mostly in terms of set, costume, and lighting, so many times when they delivered the lines, they did it with that modern twist incorporated. It proved that Shakespeare knew exactly what he was creating and saying when he wrote these plays, and many of the lines are still relatable today. Witnessing how well they knew the meaning of each and every line they spoke made me very appreciative of all the table work we have been doing for both Twelfth Night and Hamlet. Although it has taken a long time, it will be well worth it in the end. I wish we had more time to study the Hamlet script, but seeing Romeo and Juliet made me extremely excited to continue to discover the words and figure out exactly what Shakespeare was intending to say. 

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